Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu!
Winter break started on the 29th of December, and shall end on the 7th of January. However for us, we have work on the 4th (Friday) so that's a minus one vacation day for me. I'm actually contented having a quiet and simple holiday break; however, we're like in a pitiful condition that makes me just laugh at myself. Our refrigerator and washing machine didn't arrive last Dec 29, and deliveries would resume earliest on Jan 2. I have to cook and eat the same food every time since I have to minimize spoilage of food. So never mind having a Noche Buena or a Media Noche.
I have just bummed myself out these past few days doing nothing except watching in front of the laptop or playing with my PSP, slowly realizing that the New Year's fast approaching. I should have at least researched on places where there are events for celebrating the new year. I guess I was just not so excited about anything because of less hype here in Japan compared to that in the Philippines.
For months, I've been planning on buying a DSLR. I should have gone to Akihabara last Sunday (Dec 30) to meet with my workmates in the Philippines and buy the camera but got too lazy. The next day's the 31st, and it's now or never. I should at least do something before the year ends, and so I thought finally having the camera would be a nice thing. Not to mention year-end discounts.
And so, I went to Akiba, specifically straight to Yodobashi Camera and Yamada Labi (a newly renovated store that has an Open Sale). I should have bought the Canon Digital Kiss (EOS 400D) but Labi ran out of stocks. I nearly went home empty handed, good thing Yodobashi still got loads of stuffs. I eventually bought the Nikon D40x because the EOS 400D wasn't priced reasonably (higher than last November's of Yodobashi and Labi's current price). Maybe it's a sign that I should buy the D40x, because I've been torn in between the two cameras for months.
I immediately went home, itching to test my new camera on some fireworks display. Came 12 MN, the year 2008... and it was so silent, just like any ordinary night. I did hear some drums though, if there was a celebration, it's quite miles away from our view. HAHAHAHAHAHA! A pat on my head. Just grin and bear it.
Definitely the next year end, I'll be in the Philippines celebrating Christmas and the New Year with my family.
Hoping to have a happy and prosperous New Year for all of us!

posted by ScIoN 8:22 PM